24. The ACD Society, with Ross Davies

This episode, we are joined by Ross Davies and guests to talk about the new hub of Doylean activity that is the ACD Society.

You can find out more about the ACD Society here: www.acdsociety.com  

The episode can be heard here: http://doingsofdoyle.podbean.com/ 

Ross Davies

Ross is a professor of law at George Mason University in Washington DC where he teaches administrative law, civil procedure and legal history. He is the editor of The Green Bag - an entertaining journal of law - and its sister publications which often touch on Doylean topics. He is an avid Sherlockian and Doylean, and a member of the Baker Street Irregulars with the entirely fitting investiture “The Temple”. His most recent work includes editing ‘A Masterpiece of Villainy,’ the BSI manuscript edition of The Adventure of the Norwood Builder. 

Also appearing...

Thanks to Gretchen Altabef, Derrick Belanger, Bonnie MacBird and Otto Penzler.

Inaugural Doylean Honours

Watch the recording here: https://youtu.be/gTRW1YSpU-U 


For Lifetime Service:

Christopher Roden 

For excellence in the "Fiction and Poetry" category:

Gretchen Altabef for the short story in Sir Arthur and the Time Machine Sherlock Holmes: Further Adventures in the Realms of H.G. Wells Volume Two (Belanger Books) 

Stephen Gallagher for the short story The Governess (The Brooligan Press) 

Barbara Rusch for the short story The Consulting Detective and the Literary Agent: The Untold Tale (The Sherlock Holmes Society of India website) 

For excellence in the "Performing and Visual Arts" category:

Arthur Conan Doll in Edinburgh
(c) Peggy Purdue
Daniel Henocq for ElementStory #08.1–Le chien des Baskerville (the Hound of the Baskervilles) (Youtube) 

Bonnie MacBird for Modern Major Super Sleuth (Youtube) 

Peggy Perdue for Arthur Conan Doll (Canadian Holmes)

For excellence in the "Scholarly Writing" category:

Stephen Carver for the post Dinosaurs, Disintegration Machines and Talking to the Dead: The Wild World of Professor Challenger (The Wordsworth Blog) 

Douglas Kerr for Memories and Adventures by Arthur Conan Doyle (Edinburgh University Press) 

Shawna Ross for the article Sightseeing the Anthropocene: tourism, moorland management, and The Hound of the Baskervilles (Nineteenth-Century Contexts) 

Doylean Honours 2023

The ACD Society will return to Otto Penzler’s The Mysterious Bookshop for its second annual Doylean Honours awards ceremony. 

The event will take place on Thursday 5 January 2023 at 11:30am, during the BSI Weekend. 


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