Conan Doyle and London, 15 November 2019

The Institute of English Studies at the School of Advanced Study University of London is holding a one day conference entitled 'Conan Doyle and London' on 15th November 2019 in Senate House, London. 

Here's the information from their website:

Our symposium will explore the relationship between Arthur Conan Doyle and the city most associated with him. London was not just the place where hansom cabs drew up outside 221b Baker Street to disgorge new problems for the great detective. It was also home to the medical district around Harley Street where Conan Doyle hired consulting rooms and vainly waited for patients, to newbuild suburbs like South Norwood where he moved with his young family in 1891, and to the network of Spiritualist meeting places described in his novel of 1925, The Land of Mist. Conan Doyle’s work has always had popular appeal, and now attracts a growing critical and scholarly interest. Conan Doyle and London is the first event associated with a new scholarly enterprise from Edinburgh University Press, The Edinburgh Edition of the Works of Arthur Conan Doyle.
  • Catherine Cooke (Sherlock Holmes Society of London),
  • Jonathan Cranfield (Twentieth-Century Victorian: Arthur Conan Doyle and the Strand Magazine),
  • Christine Ferguson (The Occult Imagination in Britain),
  • Andrew Glazzard (The Case of Sherlock Holmes),
  • Douglas Kerr (Conan Doyle: Writing, Profession, and Practice),
  • Roger Luckhurst (Science Fiction: A Literary History).
Event organised in conjunction with the Institute of English Studies.

Attendance £35 (standard) and £30 (concession). Advance online registration required. 

That's a great group of speakers. Visit the website to book your place. I'm going - I hope to see you there.



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